Wednesday 31 December 2014

School + New Years | Rambles

Why hello there, do you remember me? You know, the girl who hasn't posted since the start of November (oops).  But I am back and weirder than ever! Anyway, today's post will just be a bit of an update, ramble paragraph of text. Aren't I good at this. So, let's start with the first topic on the agenda. The dreaded building that they call...School. Now, in five days I have to return back to 'it' and I just can't be dealing with that hell hole. (#dramaqueen). I mean, it's school, where teachers ask you ''So, what do you want to do with your future? What are your goals? What GCSEs will you pick''. Then I'm there, awkwardly smiling wishing to be sucked up by the ground so I don't have to answer, because let's all be honest no one wants to be asked that question, we'd rather be doing pointless Pythagoras Theorem then getting bombarded with teachers. Is it just me like this? Or what? Because I want to just slap them in the face while saying ''can you not''. But that was just bit of special rant. Okay, what's next? Ah yes, New Years. Well, all I can say about New Years. I just go wild you know, eating doritos with a bit of mild salsa dipped on the end, and don't forget the mini pizzas and tacos. I mean, it gets pretty extreme. You don't even want to know what happens when I drink four bottles of J2O ;). I don't think I'll be making any resolutions, I mean let's be honest once again, that no one sticks to that for an entire 365 days, come on guys, it's just a fact. I remember once I wanted to give up chocolate when I was like seven, yeah that lasted for about, hmmm. 28 minutes. Though, if you do have any resolutions that maybe I could even try or you are going to do, tell me about itttt and let's do it together! I've said 'let's' so many times in this.

Beam me up Scotty, Rhonwen x

Random Quote of the Day: ''Leave, Britney, ALONE''

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