Thursday 1 January 2015

Selfies in the bathroom + Public toilets | Rambles

Well hello there little ducklings, today will be about some things that just makes me go ''Why?'' or ''Huh''. I'm sure some people will agree with me when you read all of this. So, the first thing isss *drum roll*  when people take selfies in the bathroom, or public toilets etc. I mean, why? We can see that there is a toilet behind you, we can see that that cubicle door is open, meaning you went in THERE. You took a selfie about 1 minute after you went to poop. We're not even sure if you washed your hands or not. It's unattractive. Especially if it's in public toilets, it's a fact that there is probably 99.9% of germs covering that entire little block of toilets that you just went in to poop and then take a selfie. It's just one of those things that make me wonder why they do this. And also, there is probably  people in the other cubicles who can hear that little camera shutter, meaning you just took a photo of yourself in front of a toilet. Then they will judge you. Silently. Which brings me onto my other little ramble and that is public toilets. It's a very scary place in there. It goes very silent. Which is bad to be honest, I mean if you need to go number two and people are washing their hands and putting on makeup at the mirrors you have to sit there for about 15 minutes wanting to kill them. I'm sure that that person who are doing their hair and things doesn't want to here what you're doing then smell it, because A that would be embarrassing and B there will be the smell. Nobody wants that.  So just leave. And when they do leave, someone else enters and goes into the stall next to you and so once again you have to be silent, it's just awkward and horrible. Do any of you feel like this?

Beam me up Scotty, Rhonwen x

Random Quote of the Day: ''But first, let me take a selfie''

Wednesday 31 December 2014

School + New Years | Rambles

Why hello there, do you remember me? You know, the girl who hasn't posted since the start of November (oops).  But I am back and weirder than ever! Anyway, today's post will just be a bit of an update, ramble paragraph of text. Aren't I good at this. So, let's start with the first topic on the agenda. The dreaded building that they call...School. Now, in five days I have to return back to 'it' and I just can't be dealing with that hell hole. (#dramaqueen). I mean, it's school, where teachers ask you ''So, what do you want to do with your future? What are your goals? What GCSEs will you pick''. Then I'm there, awkwardly smiling wishing to be sucked up by the ground so I don't have to answer, because let's all be honest no one wants to be asked that question, we'd rather be doing pointless Pythagoras Theorem then getting bombarded with teachers. Is it just me like this? Or what? Because I want to just slap them in the face while saying ''can you not''. But that was just bit of special rant. Okay, what's next? Ah yes, New Years. Well, all I can say about New Years. I just go wild you know, eating doritos with a bit of mild salsa dipped on the end, and don't forget the mini pizzas and tacos. I mean, it gets pretty extreme. You don't even want to know what happens when I drink four bottles of J2O ;). I don't think I'll be making any resolutions, I mean let's be honest once again, that no one sticks to that for an entire 365 days, come on guys, it's just a fact. I remember once I wanted to give up chocolate when I was like seven, yeah that lasted for about, hmmm. 28 minutes. Though, if you do have any resolutions that maybe I could even try or you are going to do, tell me about itttt and let's do it together! I've said 'let's' so many times in this.

Beam me up Scotty, Rhonwen x

Random Quote of the Day: ''Leave, Britney, ALONE''

Sunday 2 November 2014

I can't stand it when...

I can't stand it when there's always that one boy or girl who think they're better than anyone else. For example, me and my close friends have always had a problem with this certain boy who somehow always gets on our nerves. He's in the same tutor as us, where he is just so...Stupid. Recently, he's been pulling mine and my friend's hair, hugging us without any notification and knowing that we don't like him, always calls us 'neeks' or saying 'oh shut up' if we say anything to defend ourselves from anything that he's thrown at us. We are so fed up with him. This 'rivalry' has been going on since I was in junior school. I don't know how he has people who 'like' him. He smokes, sprays deodorant in class and also uses hairspray in class. Causing us to breath in this..Stench. I really hope people who I know one day open up their eyes to see what he is. Him and his friends (who don't even get me started on) are so frustrating! But obviously we can't do anything because we're 'unpopular' as some would say. I remember once, a teacher said 'who's ever got bullied or teased on here' and the people who are his friends and have birdsnest hairstyles plus thick eyebrows and orange faces put their hand up. I'm not saying that they've never got bullied I'm just saying that I've gone to school with them for years and people who get bullied are recognized for it and always know who the bully's are. And I've never ever ever seen or heard of them being bullied. Oh, one other thing, I don't find him the going out with a girl type. If you catch my drift. Bye! ~Rhonwen

Random Quote of the day: ' She's a life ruiner, she ruins people's lives'.

Sunday 12 October 2014

Zoella Beauty 'Soak Opera'.

Why hello there, it's a been a while. Sorry, I've been busy with school plus my throat is sore, so I can't eat and when I moved I felt sick and blah blah blah. But, today I've decided to write my thoughts on Zoella Beauty. Recently, my sister went to visit her friend in Brighton and while she was there she bought me something out of the Zoella Beauty range. And it was the 'Soak Opera' which is a bath soak and shower cream. So far, I've used it only twice, as I'm trying to make the most of it instead of using it all up in one go. I'm very fond of the scent, as it is like the parma violets sweets, but less strong and there's something else in there which I can't really describe. When you get it, you'll  know what I mean. I've only used it in baths and it makes it so bubbly, the smell stays on to your skin for a while so you'll smell beautiful! The only negative thing I have to say about is going to be really stupid and really minor and that is if the colour of the lid was less bright and maybe a more 'pastel' colour. I don't even really care that the cap's this colour or not I just wanted to sound 'less biased' oh I don't know. Hopefully you understand me. :) Anyway that was my little review on 'Soak Opera', hope you enjoyed!  Bye! ~Rhonwen.

Random Quote of the Day: 'Tina you fat lard, come eat some dinner'.

Thursday 18 September 2014

Things that satisfy me.

Why hello thereeee. It's been a while hasn't it! But let's ignore that and pretend I have written something everyday. Anyway, I thought I should make a post about things that satisfy me...Here we go! Okay, so the first thing that satisfies me is a sound that might be strange to people, it's when you have a plate on the kitchen side and if you slide it off to get it, it makes that slidey plate sound. If you don't know what I mean, then watch the opening credits of Napoleon Dynamite (when there are all the different meals). I know that was strange, there's just something about it. Now I'm just going to make a list, as.... I don't really have any excuses, except, it will just be easier...

  • When 1st of a month starts on a Monday, so throughout the month, the date will be exact to the day.
  • When you have a fizzy drink and fill it to the top, hoping it won't fizz over the glass and doesn't. (I feel so proud of myself after that)
  • When you put something in a box and it fits exactly right, with no gaps.
  • When you have a canvassed picture  and only one nail is on the wall, and it stays perfectly straight.
  • And finally, when you have cheese on toast and cut the perfect amount of cheese that fits on to both slices, when you weren't even counting or anything.
Well, I hope you liked that little thing I did there! Leave odd satisfying things in the comments below! Byeeeee! ~Rhonwen

Random Quote of the Day: ' It's a lot of leg work'

Saturday 6 September 2014

Reasons why Fleetwood Mac are awesome.

Hiiiiiii! Today, I don't need to explain what I'm going to do, as it is in the very fancy title...

  1. They topped The Beatles (who I do like by the way) with Albatross
  2. Mick Fleetwood makes amazing faces
  3. They told each other things through songs they wrote
  4. Christine and John Mcvie still tolerate each other
  5. Stevie Nicks has cool swishy dresses
  6. Don't Stop was so famous, it was sung by Bob the Builder
  7. Lindsey Buckingham is phenomenal at playing the guitar
  8. Pretty much everyone knows at least one of their songs, even if they've never heard of them
  9. Christine Mcvie's maiden name is Perfect
  10. They are so so so so so so so so so so so so so so talented.
Hope you liked thisssssssss. Byeeeeeeeee! ~Rhonwen

Random Quote of the Day: 'What about the air? Yes, you may touch the air'

Wednesday 27 August 2014

The Lion King Musical.

Umm... H-h-hi. Well this has been a while hasn't it! I'm sorrryyyy. But, today I've decided to write a review on The Lion King Musical which I saw at the Mayflower last night, here we go! Okay, so this film is my favourite Disney film of all time. I love the story line, characters and everything. And when I saw this in theatre, I fell in love with it even more. The beginning song was obviously Circle of Life and they performed it in a magical, very very very good way. I loved how they brought in the African culture into it aswell. The singing was phenomenal, so was the acting. It was just indescribable. My favourite characters were Pumba, Timone and Mufasa, Scar, Nala, Zazu and pretty much EVERYONE. I loved every single minute of it. Plus, at the end I got myself a plush Pumba (yayyyy). The song sung by Mufasa 'They live in you' some what moved me. I found it just so.. Nice. I loved it. I can't describe how amazing it was. You HAVE to go see it. I strongly recommend it. Anywayyyy, hope you liked my little review there.. Byeeeeeeee! ~Rhonwen

Random Quote of the Day: ' They live in you, they live in me'