Saturday 6 September 2014

Reasons why Fleetwood Mac are awesome.

Hiiiiiii! Today, I don't need to explain what I'm going to do, as it is in the very fancy title...

  1. They topped The Beatles (who I do like by the way) with Albatross
  2. Mick Fleetwood makes amazing faces
  3. They told each other things through songs they wrote
  4. Christine and John Mcvie still tolerate each other
  5. Stevie Nicks has cool swishy dresses
  6. Don't Stop was so famous, it was sung by Bob the Builder
  7. Lindsey Buckingham is phenomenal at playing the guitar
  8. Pretty much everyone knows at least one of their songs, even if they've never heard of them
  9. Christine Mcvie's maiden name is Perfect
  10. They are so so so so so so so so so so so so so so talented.
Hope you liked thisssssssss. Byeeeeeeeee! ~Rhonwen

Random Quote of the Day: 'What about the air? Yes, you may touch the air'

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